Introducing our enchanting “Rainbow Unicorn” print, a mystical masterpiece that comes alive under light. This magical creature, with its flowing mane and sparkling horn, gallops across a rainbow bridge, creating a scene of pure wonder.
Experience the Color Magic:
Watch as the vibrant hues of the rainbow unicorn unfold before your eyes. The shimmering mane, the sparkling horn, and the rainbow bridge all burst into a dazzling display when exposed to light.
A Perfect Fantasy-Inspired Decor:
Bring the magic of fantasy into your home with this enchanting print. Its vibrant colors and mystical scene create a whimsical and inspiring atmosphere, making it the ideal addition to any room.
Discover the Magic of Color Burst:
Our Color Burst prints offer a unique and captivating way to experience art. Each piece is meticulously crafted to reveal its stunning colors only when illuminated, creating a truly magical and unforgettable display.
Place it on a window, in a nightlight stand, or hold it up to a light and view the vibrant features appear.
Supports inserting into the 80mm x 80mm color burst print nightlight stand. (sold separately)
Leaving the object in excessive heat can cause it to warp/deform over time. Avoid leaving it in places such as in a car on a hot day. Usually will start to deform in temperatures greater than 110 F. Nightlight should only be used with an LED light.
A lead time of 2 to 5 days may be required depending on order volume.